Investing In A Display Home: Rental Guarantees

Have you ever thought about investing? For most people, investing offers a chance to increase capital, gain returns and secure your financial future. But what type of investment best suits your needs? Whilst many may consider a conventional property or shares. This is principally because investors believe there is a fixed return on these investments. However, considering the income potential for investors, buying a display property is highly recommended! If you have been thinking of investing in a display home, but are unsure of the process, read on to find out the benefits that you may receive.
What is a display home?

Display properties are homes that are built in a display village. These homes are designed to give buyers an idea of what their house design will look like upon completion. Buyers get a chance to walk into the house, examine the fittings, room sizes and where necessary, ask for aspects of the home to be altered to suit their needs.

Once they have looked at these houses, they can then decide whether or not they want to build a house with a similar design and whether the design will suit their needs.

Why are they a good investment?

The reason display homes are considered such an excellent and profitable investment is because of the lease back option, which guarantees rent, often at above market value.

Whilst the home may not bring in the same rental return once the lease back period is over, the short term benefits are enticing. The long-term returns are harder to predict and depend largely on the state of the economy at the time.

Further, because the tenant is the builder, and the house is only having walk-ins, the house stays in better shape. If regular tenants were to live in the house, especially larger families, the house is likely to get damaged. Thus, there is less chance that the tenants will damage the home, and if they do, it is easy for the builder to rectify it.

Purchase by an investor

Generally, a builder will construct a display home and an investor will then purchase the display home and lease this back to the builder to use in the display village. Builders typically look for areas where there is a big residential boom, and then begin construction. After construction has been completed, builders may approach investors, or vice versa, to purchase the property, with a "lease-back option."

The lease-back option is entered into by both the new owner of the property and the builders for a term lasting a 12 to 60 months. The builder then displays the home as a model to other potential buyers for the term stated in the lease agreement. Generally, this will last until the entire development has been completed and the home is no longer being used as a display home. This means that the investor is guaranteed rent for the entire term of the lease back option. This is a great incentive for investors looking to buy display homes.

Benefits for investors

High-end developers often fit out the home with all the latest fittings, at no additional cost to the investor.
Most builders will add in as many features as possible to make the home look as attractive and luxurious as possible, so that builders are able to demonstrate the possible added features that are available with the home.

This often means that the home is immaculately landscaped and includes upgraded appliances as well as timber decking, outdoor kitchens and the very best floors, furniture and fixtures available. Because of all these extras, the home is worth more. This means that when the investor decides to re-sell the property, they will get more!

Display homes are always found in the best locations of a development and are always surrounded by homes of similar quality and appeal, meaning the value of the home is more easily maintained and the property is usually very marketable and readily saleable.

These properties do not require an investment owner to handle maintenance problems. For example, with a traditional investment property, when a renter encounters a problem such as a faulty water heater, it becomes the responsibility of the property owner to immediately address and correct the issue for the tenant.


Investing in a display property is a great option for investors who want a rental guarantee on a property at above market value. The property will stay in better condition than a regular rental, and it usually comes with added extra features and fittings.


Někdo z Vás chtěl vidět naší kuchyň, a tak sdílím alespoň její hlavní část:)
Není extra prostorná, je trochu neštˇastně řešená, ale stačí a dobře se mi v ní vaří :)
Jen mě mrzí, že v ní není "skutečné" okno - jen luxfery. Ale co, stejně bych koukala sousedům do zdi :)
Hezký víkend všem !




Máme doma klasický Ikeácký kulatý stoleček.
Nejdříve jsem na něm měla koš s kytkami, ale už mě nějak omrzel, a tak jsem ho trochu změnila. 
Ulehčila jsem mému krásnému příborníku a svícny a vázu s pivoňkami přesunula právě na tento stolek. Jak se Vám líbí?

A takhle sloužil stolek původně:

Pivoňky - pár dní poté

Tak a takhle dopadly.....ale stejně jsou krásné - i opadané....


Super Luxury Homes

Depending on your information source, you will get a different answer to the question of what can be classified as a luxury home. The greatest difference in definitions is between countries; however, there seems to be agreement regarding the upper end of homes.

Homes that are unquestionably luxurious, are worth tens of millions of dollars or more. They have incredible amenities, professional landscaping and property planning, and are generally massive in size with ten or more bedrooms. These homes are advertised nationally and internationally. Real estate agents for these properties have additional responsibilities involving trusts, attorneys, and anonymity issues.

No one seems to question that these homes, often owned by extremely wealthy and usually famous people, are luxurious. In fact, these homes should be called "super luxury" homes to differentiate them from other high end homes.

In an entirely different class, the other group of luxury homes, are advertised locally. Property in the US that is valued at over a million dollars is usually considered luxury real estate. Consumers in high socio-economic groups are the target for these properties.

This second group of homes may have features such as wet bars, designer kitchens, wine cellars, theatre seating, in-ground pools, security systems, professional landscaping, heated floors, and tennis courts. These homes are generally larger than average with good locations, amenities, property entries, and entertainment capabilities.

Luxury homes tend to have entertainment rooms with features such as built in seating and high end, up-to-date technology for the best movie watching experiences. Designer kitchens are also very trendy in high end homes with features such as custom paneling for appliances, extra under-the-counter refrigerators or beverage centers, and wine bars that fit among the kitchen pantry and other storage cabinets. Designer kitchens also include granite countertops, high end fixtures, customized storage drawers, and pullout pantries.
There's no question that this second group of homes are also desirable homes to live in. However, are they really in the same class as homes in Beverly Hills which are also called luxury homes?

In both groups of homes, location, amenities, property entry, entertainment capability, and landscaping are considered. Most luxury homes offer a combination of desirable natural elements such as ocean proximity, views, or climate, and professionally designed landscaping and architecture. But really, if a 1.2 million dollar, lakefront home with a dock and a swimming pool is a luxury home, then Mariah Carey's home must be a "super luxury" home.


Mé milované pivoňky jsou momentálně v plném květu a tak se na ně nemůžu vynadívat.....
Ještě čekám až vykvetou i ty světlejší - růžové.



Nedělní svačinka

Carpaccio z červené řepy:  
Zmrazenou červenou řepu nakrájíme na velmi tenká kolečka (nejlépe na  nářezáku), pokapeme olivovým olejem, osolíme, poklademe rukolou a zasypeme stroužky parmazánu.

A k obědu, to jsme měli bůček :)
Ten peču pokapaný citronem, s palicí česneku a cibulí. Někdy přidávám i jablko.
(Vím, že je to "prasárnička", ale nejradši mám tu dozlatova upečenou kůži navrchu:))

Divorce and Real Estate - Protecting Your Interest

How many times have we all heard the statement from friends "No problem, we've agreed on everything and it will be an amicable divorce". It's usually about that time that the fireworks begin! Screaming, shouting "If you want that then I get this". The real estate portion of the divide is no different especially if one party decides to remain in the home. If both parties leave the home and sell it, the bank gets theirs - you split the rest, assuming there's something left. Usually we find that divorcing parties want a quick sale and end up lowering the price just to get it over.

Most states have laws pertaining to equitable distribution.

If one of the parties decides to remain living in the home then the court will want to know the value of the home. This is where an appraiser gets involved. So who is going to hire the appraiser and pay the fee. She says he should, he say she should. The truth of the matter is you both should hire different appraisers simply to protect your own interests. Yes, I know it sounds like appraisers drumming up double business. I assure you that is not the reason.

National statistics show even the best of appraisers can be within 5% of each other or the actual selling price and be correct. Meaning they have done their job properly, according to the rules and regulations of appraising. A 5% difference on a $200,000 home is $10,000. Assuming your divorce is based on a 50/50 split the party leaving the home would be receiving an extra $5,000 for their efforts. Not bad for an hours work which is what the appraiser's inspection generally takes. Yes, you should be there to answer any and all questions YOUR appraiser asks.

Many factors such as condition, appearance and maintenance reflect on the outcome of the appraisal. An example, I had one party tell me the roof leaks, after noticing the marks on the ceiling sheet rock and after contacting my client, who was not at the inspection, I was informed that the water mark damage on the bedroom ceiling was from the air conditioning unit leaking in the attic above which was fixed approximately 4 months ago. She had copies of the air conditioning bill to prove it. They simply never fixed the drywall ceiling. Obviously the husband wanted the appraised value lower since he had to pay the wife.

Your options improve in court as well. Assuming you both have appraisals performed and there is a difference in the market value generally the judge has the option to add the two together and split the difference or get a court ordered third appraisal to see who's right.

Since your only other option is to accept what your other half claims is correct, keeping in mind there is good and bad in every industry, your best option is to HIRE YOUR OWN and BE THERE DURING THE INSPECTION. Inform your appraiser of items you feel need to be addressed so they will appear within the report and strengthen your case in court.

Blešák na Míráku

V sobotu jsem byla na blešáku na Míráku. Koná se dvakrát ročně - na jaře a na podzim.
Bylo tam totálně narváno. Nebyl to blešák v pravém slova smyslu - díky starožitníkům s ne úplně "blešáckými" cenami, ale i přesto jsem tam celkem solidně nakoupila.
Zvláště z ulovených skleněných mís mám velkou radost. No řekněte sami, nejsou nádherné? 

 Starý sifon doma mám, ale ne ten kulatý, a tak jsem si ho koupila - za padíka :)

A pak tento "ice kýbl" - ten mě vyšel na 15 Kč. No, cena slušná, ne?
A takhle to vypadá dohromady v kuchyni .